Pitching etiquette

February 22, 2013

Editors are the gatekeepers of editorial content. If you want something published then you need to make the case to them first. Successful pitches aren’t a given but the goals of companies and editors should be the same: publishing informative and interesting content that engages readers. If you can prove to an editor that you have this then you have a chance of pleasing everyone.

The way that you pitch to an editor makes all the difference about whether your content ends up published or not and there is no substitute for knowing an editor and their publication beforehand. It is a PR agency’s job to keep the channels of communication open between companies and the media. Putting effort into media relations gives us an idea of what floats an editor’s boat content-wise, what will suit their publication and allows us to keep track of opportunities or staff changes.


However, when faced with a ‘cold pitch’, there are other things we can do to make an editor’s life easier:

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